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Ocean Activities & Stories 🌊🦑🦈

Writer: Gail FeixGail Feix

Enjoy these ocean -themed online games, read-aloud stories, & animated videos!

This slide deck is a fun way to share ocean-themed games and activities with students! It includes a variety of resources that would be ideal for Fun Fridays, center rotations, or early finishers. I will be sharing ocean-themed 🚍virtual field trips soon, so check back!

In these slides, there are animated gifs, a dozen read-aloud stories, a dozen online games, and a variety of animated videos to enjoy. If you are studying ocean animals, habitats, or just looking forward to summer (and possibly a beach trip!), these ocean-themed resources will be enjoyed!

These files are best shared by making your own copy, then go to File > Publish to the Web and then sharing that published link with students. I hope that these new ocean-themed games, stories, and animated videos help add some fun and excitement to your classroom! Be sure to check out my other themed choice boards that I have shared on the Teachers Using Tech website.

Make your own copy of 🌊🦑🦈Ocean Activities & Stories here to use and enjoy:

*NOTE: If the link says you need to request access, it is your school network blocking the share. All items are set correctly to force a copy when clicked on. Many districts block things (including file shares) that are coming from outside of their domain. Please try making the copy from a personal email or Gmail account. Then, you can share the file with your school account. If you request access, I won't be able to grant it, since the issue is blocked on your end.

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